est. 1984
6405 Indiana Avenue
Inside The Courtyard Mall
Lubbock, TX 79413
Phone: (806) 785-8345
Frequently Asked Questions
1.) What about my original photos? Do I keep them?
For all types of media from photos to slides, film and audio reels, customers receive all of their originals back.
3.) Can you convert other types of multimedia to digital?
Over the years we’ve worked with a variety of different media ranging from photo tin types to records and even floppy disks. If you’re not sure if something can be converted to a digital format, contact us and one of our team members will be happy to answer any questions you have.
5.) Are there shipping costs for returning digital transfers and original media by mail?
No. There is no additional cost on shipping or handling after completion of digital transfer services by mail. Return shipping costs of original media and digital items are included in the final price.
Customers do pay for initially shipping retro media to our studio when using digital transfer by mail. However, our studio often offers Studio Credit.
2.) Will you ship my items to another studio for work to be completed?
All transfer work, digital photo restoration, and other services are done in-house at our Lubbock-based studio. We don’t ship your items to another location; the team members you meet when you place your order are the ones who complete the services you request.
4.) I’m not sure what size film reels that I have are.
If you’re not sure about what types of film reels you have, please contact us and one of our team members will be happy to answer any questions you have. On our contact page, we've included an option to send us an image of your retro media.
Commonly Used Digital Media Terms
Digital Media-
Here at KK’s Video studio, we use the term to refer to the electronic version of images and audio. Essentially, once film, slides, photos, audio, etc. have been scanned and transferred into a computer. We also use the phrases, “converting to digital” or “transferring to digital.”
Making copies of CD’s, DVD’s, and/or VHS tapes, which is:
CD to CD
(Converting footage from VHS tapes to digital is a process we refer to as transferring. See more about this below.)
We provide what’s known as cut editing services, which is simply removing unwanted footage.
Film Splicing–
The process of repairing breaks in film.
Photo Restoration–
Our process involves creating a digital copy of the original photograph and then working with editing software to create a restored copy of the original. Customers keep their original photo(s).
Scan Image–
The term we use for transferring negatives, photos, and slides into a computer.
The term we use when referring to the process of converting film, VHS/camcorder tapes, and audio reels to digital; essentially transferring the data from one of the above mentioned formats to a computer.
USB flash drive/flash drive–
also commonly called a thumb drive; it is an external storage device for data.